Press Releases & Announcements

€ 6.12 million grant for the connection of households in Thessaly to the Natural Gas network of EDA THESS

The Action "Replacement of oil heating systems with natural gas systems in houses of the Region of Thessaly with a budget of € 6.12 million" in the framework of the NSRF 2014-2020, was announced at a press conference hosted by the Regional Governor of Thessaly, Mr. Konstantinos Agorastos, with the participation of the General Manager of EDA THESS, Mr. Leonidas Bakouras, and the Manager of Natural Gas Market in Thessaly, Mrs Efthymia Kalogirou.

EDA THESS: Discipline and commitment to goals – the guarantees for 2021

Interview of the General Manager, Mr. Leonidas Bakouras, at

4 million Nm3 / year of industry "B. Maliouris SA" in the distribution network of EDA THESS

The contract for the connection of the industry "B. Maliouris SA" to the natural gas distribution network of EDA THESS was signed.

Development Program of € 158.2 million by EDA THESS

EDA THESS reinforces infrastructure and distribution network, while is connecting 90,350 new consumers - the areas that will be supplied with natural gas.

Approval of the submission of the Development Program 2021-2025 to RAE by EDA THESS’ BoD

The new Development Program 2021 – 2025 which incorporates the Company’s Business Plan, was approved on 12/11/2020 by EDA THESS’ Board of Directors and submitted to the Regulatory Authority for Energy, following the report of the General Manager, Mr. Leonidas Bakouras and the consent of the shareholders DEPA Infrastructure and Eni gas e luce.

Cooperation between DEDA and EDA THESS for the operation and maintenance of distribution networks

The collaboration of DEDA and EDA THESS is expanding with the aim of implementing best practices for the operation of natural gas distribution networks in Greece for the benefit of consumers.

2nd Gas Supply Station in Elassona due to increased demand

The construction works of the 2nd supply station of the Municipality of Elassona in the Region of Thessaly begin in mid-November and are expected to be completed by the end of January 2021, in order to meet the growing demand of consumers.

EDA THESS: Sign safely from your home the Connection Contract to the gas distribution network

EDA THESS, in order to avoid the congestion of citizens at the Customer Service Offices, implements the digital service E-Contract, for the remote signing of the Connection Contracts with the natural gas distribution network.

The General Secretary of Ministry of Environment and Energy, Ms. Alexandra Sdoukou at EDA THESS’ offices

The General Secretary of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Ministry of Environment and Energy, Ms. Alexandra Sdoukou, visited EDA THESS’ premises in Larissa, on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition "SAVING - AUTONOMY" co - organized by the Chamber of Larissa and the Prefecture of Thessaly, under the auspices of the Technical Chamber of Greece, Central and Western Thessaly.

EDA THESS: Milestone the connection contract of 16.5 Nm3 with “MEL” Industry The biggest connection contract for EDA THESS’ natural gas network

The agreement between EDA THESS and "MEL SA", a leading industry in Greece in the production of recycled cardboard, brings a historic high in the volumes of natural gas by 16.5 million Nm3 per year. EDA THESS, a pioneer in the energy sector with a multi-year upward course, acts as a catalyst in strengthening the country's economy and shaping developments in the natural gas market.

Natural gas stimulates industry and economic recovery EDA THESS – Federation of Industries of Greece (SBE)

The decisive role of natural gas in the development of the industrial sector, was the focus of the meeting that held between the President of the Federation of Industries of Greece (SBE), Mr. Athanasios Savvakis, the General Manager of EDA THESS, Mr. Leonidas Bakouras and executives of the Company.