The Education Service Evaluation System concerns Groups of Education Service Providers. The duration of said System is unlimited and is renewed annually.
The purpose of the Qualification System is to draw up Lists of EDUCATIONS SERVICES PROVIDERS, hereinafter referred to as "PPYE", to cover the educational needs of the Contracting Authority's staff.
The services concern the following categories:
Participants have the right to express interest in one or more education categories.
Participation in the system is open, on equal terms, to those interested who meet the legal, financial and technical requirements set out in the notice and have the required professional competence and experience.
The full text of the CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR EDUCATIONAL SERVICE PROVIDERS is available here and its summary here.
When submitting the Expression of Interest Folder, Interested Parties are invited to complete and submit the EXPRESSION OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE FOR REGISTERING ON THE EDUCATIONS SERVICE PROVIDERS LISTS which is available here.
Notification of renewal of Qualification Systems